Sunday, July 10, 2011

The New Cover

Hello my friends,

A good cover is vital to the success of a book. That is why I am asking you, my author friends, to take a peek, and tell me your professional opinion. Please, don't pull any punches. This thing has to zing!

Please leave a comment!



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  1. I like it! It's mysterious, and the guy's expression draws me in. I wouldn't change anything.

  2. Thanks, Jake. I appreciate you taking the time to look at it.

  3. I think the cover looks fabulous! I definitely want to read this book!

  4. Definitely piques my interest! It catches my attention and the text in the upper right tells me just enough to make me want to pick it up. When's it coming out?

  5. I'm intrigued by the cover. I want to see what's inside. I'm a visual reader, in other words, I visualize what the author is creating. I can't tell if the man on the cover is the good guy or the bad guy. I want to find out!

  6. Teish, it should be available in book stores next month.

    Dinkydoll, the guy on the cover is the good guy. He's just not very happy about being the hero of the story.

  7. I don't think you should have the line about the president on the cover. that is more back cover copy. usually you don't have any promo copy on the front, so I think it would be plenty powerful enough to have just the title and art. It would be neat if there were some way for you to have some words scrolling like a computer screen faded as part of the background with words standing out from the rest in a different color, to show how he is seeing messages in words. Overall I like the image.

  8. You are so correct about images doing a better job of revealing the idea of the story. It would be a lot cooler with words popping off of things. I just couldn't afford the artwork. That's why I went with the magazine feel. Hoping text would sell the story.

  9. That's really a perfect cover. It looks like a movie poster. There is nothing I could change or suggest. : )

  10. I like it! Makes me want to read it for sure!

  11. Love love love the cover....I want to read this book simply to find out more about the messages...oh, and I am already thinking there must be a movie deal in this somewhere...and thus the plot begins...Janice Daku

  12. Thanks, Janice. I appreciate that.

    Also, for you, and anyone else who doesn't know, you can use the Name/URL item on the pull down, to get your name on the comment title. You don't have to put a URL. You can just put your name.

  13. John, always remember that on ebook retailers your cover will be seen in thumbnail. I found the type on the upper left hard to read in this size and it's bigger than thumbnail. I would take away the text in the upper right and just leave the larger text in the lower. That's enough to intrigue. IMHO! Best of luck.

  14. Thanks for taking the time to stop by, Lyn. You make a good point. Your point actually ties nicely with C.S. Lakin's. It would be more effective to have imagery instead of words. And, put the elevator pitch on the back. Food for thought.

  15. Hi John! I really like your cover and it has that suspense-feel that will draw readers in. I like the fonts and the background art too. I do agree with Lyn about leaving the text in the lower right hand corner and possibly taking out the text in the upper right corner, only because it felt a little bit busy to me with all the wording. Other than that, I really, really like the cover! Congrats on your new book!

  16. John,

    Nice cover. On first glance I thought it was the cover for a DVD; Maybe take out some of the wording? Just my thoughts. I have not read much in this genre so I could be far off. Good luck!

    - Kile

  17. the cover instantaneously captured my attention!and it has a very interesting story.

  18. I would keep the lower-right teaser in place, but take the man's hands out of his pockets & get him a little more worried. He is, after all, in the position of Rips & Drosnin trying to warn Rabin of his own impending assassination.
